Neon Fury goes to VR Connects London
January 25, 2017
What every game needs: a T-Rex with Machine guns!
February 22, 2017
Neon Fury got noticed at VR Connects London 2017 by Guglielmo De Gregori, Editor in Chief at and wrote a bellissima note about the game. Here's what he said (how cool is that text talking about Neon Fury in Italian!?)

"Tra i titoli che ho provato, ricordo sicuramente con piacere Neon Fury, non fosse altro per il suo elevato livello grafico. Neon Fury è la dimostrazione che i Tower Defense in realtà virtuale funzionano davvero bene, principalmente perché non viene richiesto al giocatore di muoversi (evitando quindi i fastidi della motion sickness). Oltre a sfoggiare un livello grafico decisamente elevato, Neon Fury prometteva un tipo d’azione in prima persona molto frenetica."

English translation:

"Among the titles that I tried, I remember being definitely pleased by Neon Fury, not only for its high level graphics. Neon Fury is proof that Tower Defense works really well in VR, mainly because it is not required of the player to move (thereby avoiding the discomfort of motion sickness). In addition to featuring a decidedly high level graphics, Neon Fury promises a very hectic First Person type of action. "

Read the complete note